Jiu Jitsu Belts and what the colour ranking means
Jiu Jitsu belts are a key part of the ranking system. They help to signify a practitioner's level of experience and expertise.Jiu Jitsu Belts and what the different colors mean
Jiu Jitsu is a Japanese martial art that has become increasingly popular in recent years. One of the things that makes Jiu Jitsu unique is the fact that practitioners wear belts that signify their rank. In this article, we will take a look at the different belt colours and what they mean in terms of ranking.
The first belt is the white belt.
This is the belt that all beginners start with. A white belt signifies that the practitioner is a novice and is still learning the basics of Jiu Jitsu.
The next belt is the blue belt.
A blue belt signifies that the practitioner has a good understanding of the basics and is starting to learn more advanced techniques.
The third belt is the purple belt.
A purple belt signifies that the practitioner is an experienced fighter and has a good understanding of advanced techniques.
The fourth belt is the brown belt.
A brown belt signifies that the practitioner is a very experienced fighter and has a deep understanding of all aspects of Jiu Jitsu.
The last belt is the black belt.
A black belt signifies that the practitioner is a master of Jiu Jitsu. Black belts are very rare and are only awarded to those who have dedicated their lives to the art.
Jiu Jitsu belts are a key part of the ranking system. They help to signify a practitioner’s level of experience and expertise. If you are thinking about starting Jiu Jitsu, make sure to ask your instructor about the different belt colors and what they mean.