Best Jiu Jitsu Gi and Martial Art Training Gear, Professional Gi Kimonos and No-Gi Fight Gear.

Best Jiu Jitsu Gi Brands

Best brands of professional Jiu Jitsu Gi Kimonos and No Gi fight gear apparel. Top quality MMA and martial arts training and competion gear.

Jiu Jitsu Gis are traditional martial arts uniforms

A Jiu Jitsu Gi is a traditional martial arts uniform that is worn during training and bjj competition. It is typically made from a lightweight, breathable material such as cotton or polyester, and is available in a variety of gi brands, colors and designs. The Gi is designed to provide a comfortable, relaxed fit that allows the fighter to move freely and maintain focus during training or competition.

The Jiu Jitsu Gi Is The Most Important Piece Of Equipment In Your BJJ Training Routine.

The gi is an essential piece of gear for any martial artist. It protects your body during sparring matches and helps you stay safe when rolling on the ground.


How To Choose The Right Gi For You

There are several different styles of gis out there, so choosing the right one for you can be tricky. If you’re just starting out with jiu jitsu, then you should probably stick with a white belt gi. This will help you learn proper technique and keep you safe while learning how to roll.

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Kimono is a type of dress that is regarded as traditional Japanese clothing

You’ll most likely see it worn by practitioners of the martial arts or even as school uniform during the Edo period. This particular kimono is called a Jiu Jitsu kimono. Jiu jitsu means “Gentle Art” and it is a way of life in the form of martial art.

BJJ practitioners wear a gi or Kimono 

Kimono as it is formally known, is a traditional Japanese garment worn by men and women. The Kimono is a long, loose-fitting robe with sleeves and typically made from white cotton. This martial arts uniform is similar to a judo uniform; however it is much larger and the quality of the fabric used for a BJJ kimono is of a higher standard.

The standard Jiu Jitsu Gis consists of a jacket and pants

BJJ gis fastened with a belt. The jacket is typically a few inches longer than the fighter’s torso, and the pants are loose-fitting and reach the fighter’s mid-calf. The Gi can also include a rashguard, which is a tight-fitting shirt that is worn under the jacket to prevent chafing. 

What to consider when choosing a jiu jitsu gi

There are a few things to consider when choosing a Jiu Jitsu Gi, such as size, weight, and material. It is important to choose the best jiu jitsu gi that is the right size, as a too-large Gi can be uncomfortable and restrict movement, while a too-small Gi can make it difficult to breathe and can be easily ripped. The weight of the gi for jiu jitsu is also important, as a heavier Gi can be hot and uncomfortable to wear, while a lighter Gi may not provide enough protection during training. 



How a brazilian jiu jitsu gi is constructed is equally important to its look.

The material of the gi for jiu jitsu are also important, as different materials offer different levels of durability and breathability. Cotton Gis are the most popular choice among Jiu Jitsu men and woman athletes, as they are lightweight and breathable, but they are also more susceptible to tearing and fading. Polyester Gis are more durable than cotton Gis, but they are not as breathable, which can make them hot and uncomfortable to wear. 

One of the most popular materials for jiu jitsu gis is pearl weave. Pearl weave is a type of woven fabric that is characterized by its strength and durability. It is often used in heavier weight gis, as it can withstand the wear and tear of training and competition.

While there are many different brands and styles of jiu jitsu gis available on the market, it is important to choose one that is comfortable and fits well. It is also important to select a gi that is constructed from a durable fabric, such as pearl weave, in order to ensure that it will last for many years of training and competition.

Gi design and garment construction

The design of the Jiu Jitsu Gi is also important, as it can affect the fighter’s performance. A Gi with a lot of extra fabric can be bulky and hinder the fighter’s movement, while a bjj gi that is too tight can restrict breathing and cause chafing. It is important to choose the best jiu jitsu gi that fits well and allows the fighter to move freely. 

Can a well fitted and best gi design give you an advantage over your opponents in jiu jitsu competitions?

Quality gi design and construction can enhance a fighter performance, when choosing a Jiu Jitsu Gi, it is important to consider all of the factors that can affect the fighter’s performance. Size, weight, material, and design all play a role in the comfort and function of the Gi. By taking the time to choose the right Jiu Jitsu Gi, the fighter can ensure that they are comfortable and able to perform at their best.

Jiu Jitsu Gis and Kimonos we recommend


Black Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
Stealth T4 Sub 96

Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
Stealth T4 Sub 96

White Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
Stealth T4 Sub 96


Black Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
Stealth Matrix MX3


Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
Stealth Matrix MX3


White Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
Stealth Matrix MX3


Black Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
357 Featherlite


Blue Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
357 Featherlite


White Jiu Jitsu Gi - Storm Kimonos
357 Featherlite

Jui Jitsu No-Gi and Compression Workout Gear


Rash Guard Shorts Sleeve
No-Gi Storm Delta Black

Rash Guard Long Sleeve
No-Gi Storm Delta Black

No-Gi Storm Delta Black

Compression Shorts
No-Gi Storm Delta Black


Fight Shorts Board Shorts
No-Gi Storm Delta Black

Rash Guard Long Sleeve
No-Gi Storm Redline

Rash Guard Shorts Sleeve
No-Gi Storm Delta Black

Fight Shorts Board Shorts
No-Gi Storm Redline


No-Gi Storm Redline

Compression Shorts
No-Gi Storm Redline